Review: Beavis and Butt-Head “Copy Machine; Holding”

Episode Synopsis: The boys are mistaken for drug dealers when they visit an adult-film set; Beavis photocopies his backside on the school’s new printer.

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In a world where Beavis is told NOT to make photo copies of his butt, what do you think hes gonna do? But, the thing breaks, and now he’s stuck so the school has to call the fire department to get him out. Of course its not long before the news is there with a candlelight vigil. And of course just like most of the media, Jim Baxley tries to make a bigger deal out of the whole thing than it really is just so he can get a story.


B&B are loitering outside of a convenience store, so obviously two girls pull up thinking the are both drug dealers. Turns out these girls are porn stars, well stars might be pushing it. It isn’t long before their “director” gets booked on the account of trying to film underage porn.


In the first cutaway, theres this show about this guy who has foot fetishes. So after he picks up this girl at an airport he starts to lick her sock, but I can’t knock the guy too bad cuz hes a metal frontman and who doesn’t like feet? Sure as hell beats that Benny Barnassi video. Ahhhh yes, the Jersey Shore clip, and in this one Deena is trying to fit in a cardboard box.  The UFC TUF clip was pretty funny, but damn that footage is OLD!

As I’ve said in the past, Mike Judge is the master of office-jokes, but is probably most famous for the Office Space broken printer. And yes, I’m sure Bart has printed 1000s of pics of his ass over the years on The Simpsons but Judge truly makes this gag his own. Also, gotta love the relatively accurate depiction on how amateur porn movies are made.