Review: Allen Gregory “1 Night in Gottlieb”

After discovering that his rival classmate Joel Zadak (guest voice Jake Johnson of NEW GIRL) has a girlfriend, Allen Gregory sparks a sex tape scandal with Principal Gottlieb (guest voice Renée Taylor). To help Allen’s adopted sister Julie (Joy Osmanski) appear “normal,” Richard and Jeremy hire cool-looking kids to hang out with her.

Allen wants to be one of the cool kids who apparently is in a committed relationship. He tries to play his “principal love card” but the kids call him on his bluff. Patrick in this show is absolutely hysterical. He’s becoming the kid we can root for when Jonah acts like a douche sometimes, as he is the voice of sanity. Well, apparently it doesnt work because Allen is letting it float around school that theres a sex tape with him and Gottlieb. How does that get out? Well, with an announcement over the school PA system, thats how! As expected, Allen gets booked and has to go talk to the school counselor who breaks it to the youngster that he is actually the principal’s husband, well its more of a common law deal, as the counselor doesnt have the balls to propose for real.

Allen, later is called out at school for his fake sex tape by the kids, so he panics and tries to get the counselor to help him, who gives him an ultimatum to show him the sex tape or be called a liar! Walter the house servant agrees to help but he falls through so Allen has to come up with a solution. As it turns out he actually has a tape….of sorts.

Julie invites her friends over because Richard doesnt even believe that this kid has friends. So when she invites them over for dinner, he embarrasses Julie by insulting her slightly off-friends. Jeremy tries to be the voice of reason here, but is obviously seen as the bad guy. Richard then hires two kids to be Julie’s new friends and are obviously not her type. But, things turn nuts when the new friends trash Julie’s old friends’ locker and fire off lies and insults. However, the ruse goes sour and Richard gets Julie’s old friends back.

Another solid episode, and as mentioned before a lot of the characters are starting to come about as good people, turning away all the doubters that think the show is too negative. Jeremy and Patrick are definitely positive influences to otherwise a negative people and culture and its great seeing that clash play out during the course of the episode.  Allen’s one liners are killing me, the way he just rudely interrupts people is really funny, and his jokes seemed smart and properly timed, not forced for the sake of telling jokes. Looking forward to this show building and building some more as the season progresses.