EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: RustyGear 2012 “Head of Staff” Anna Ramm

Hey kids! We have an interview with Anna Ramm who is Head of Staff for RustyGear 2012, an upcoming Con debuting next Summer in Natick, MA worshiping the best in Metalocolypse and Venture Bros.
So after the jump, see what happens when you get a hotel, four girls, and Brock’s definition of a Rusty Venture.

The Rusty Gear 2012:

JohnBlabber: So tell me what is your name and what do you do for your Con?

Anna: My name’s Anna, but online I like to go by Supergirl or Supes.\
I’m the executive chair of the Rusty Gear planning committee — so, I basically run the whole shindig.  I also do most of the updates to our twitter, with the help of a couple other folks from the staff.

JohnBlabber: So tell me how you guys came up with the idea to do a Con?

Anna:  Well, I’ll be honest…  This may sound like a very roundabout way to come up with it, but it’s because I’m a Harry Potter geek.

JohnBlabber: (laughs) How does one go from Harry Potter to Adult Swim?

Anna:  See, I have been going to HP cons for years (a total of nine so far) and I have always deeply appreciated the way they differ from many other fan conventions.First of all, they like to call themselves a “conference” or “symposium” rather than simply using the word “convention” — and therein lies a whole different attitude!  Harry Potter cons focus on discussion, discovery, and the sharing of ideas, as a literary or scientific conference might.  And they try to showcase the everyday fans — by letting THEM lead the programming — instead of relying on big names and celebrities.
Anna:  I’ve always lamented the fact that the Harry Potter fandom seemed to be the only one — or one of the very few — where someone could find an event of this sort.  So when I became a Metalocalypse and later Venture Bros. fan, my fondest wish was to see a similar conference featuring my favorite Adult Swim shows (two of the deeper, more character-developed shows on the [as] roster, in my opinion).For a couple years,
I tried mentioning the idea to everyone I could think of, in hopes that it would catch on.  I figured the folks at Williams Street might hear about it, and decide it was something they’d like to do.  Or maybe some bigger-name fans then myself would step up to organize it….But eventually, I realized that the only way to see this happen was to MAKE IT happen.  So I got my ass in gear (cheesy pun fully intended), pulled some friends together, and The Rusty Gear 2012 was born!

JohnBlabber:  Wow thats a cool story
So why did you choose Venture Bros and Metalocalypse? What was it about those shows and not lets say Aqua Teen or China IL?

Anna:  I think they both have a lot to offer as far as characterization, backstory, plot, and a complex universe that draws the viewer in, and lends itself easily to theories and discussion.Likewise, both shows feature much tongue-in-cheek commentary on life, society, and modern fan culture.  Thus they can appeal not only to metal heads, action/adventure geeks, and your average late-night TV viewer… but also to scholars and intellectuals, or simply viewers who prefer a little more brain stimulation with their animated comedy.
Anna: Add to that the fact that both shows have very rich fandom followings, including fanfiction, fanart, cosplay, parody, and more… and I think you have a recipe for a fantastic fan conference!

JohnBlabber:  I agree, have you ever seen Dethklok live?

Anna:  I saw them in Boston on their second tour, co-headlining with Mastodon, in 2009.  It was an unforgettable experience.

JohnBlabber:  Haha yea both bands put on great shows, what I like about Metalocolypse is that it has brought in more fans for the heavy music and vice versa, heavy metal fans wanting to see a good show, they get to watch metalocolypse

Anna:  Exactly! I agree.

JohnBlabber:  Can you tell me where the Con will be held and what type of
booths and activities fans can enjoy?

Anna: It’s being held next June 28 – July 1st, at the Hampton Inn in Natick, Massachusetts: http://therustygear.org/?page=hotel
As far as programming, it will be divided into two types: formal and informal.
Anna:  Formal programming will consist of discussion, debate, instruction, and the like.  While this can take many forms, the four types of program sessions attendees are most likely to see include: presentations, panels, round tables, and workshops.
Anna:  The possible topics are many; ultimately, it will be up to our attendees to shape what The Rusty Gear’s formal programming will be — because anyone who attends can submit a proposal and be eligible to present.However, the sorts of subjects we will be looking for include (but are by no means limited to) specific characters, pairings — be they canon or just viewer fantasy, plot themes and theories, real life parallels, and the way these shows (and the viewers themselves) have influence these two fandoms that have developed around them.

JohnBlabber:  Wow sounds like you guys have a full plate!
When does registration for this Con start?

Anna:  It’s open now!  http://therustygear.org/?page=register
Anna:  Because it’s so early in the game, and there’s little programming information available yet, we are currently offering /pre/-registrations at our lowest price, $40.Starting December 1st, pre-registration will close and regular registration will be available for $50, the price growing as the event draws near, and capping off at $75 at the door/after June 15th.

JohnBlabber:  Thats awesome, well thanks for your time today, is there anything else you would like to say to our readers?

Anna:  First, I wanted to give you a few links, is that’s alright?

JohnBlabber:  Surely

Anna:  Our website: http://therustygear.org
Our twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/TheRustyGear
Our tumblr: http://therustygear.tumblr.com
Our facebook: http://www.facebook.com/therustygear
Our livejournal community: http://therustygear.livejournal.com/profile (Please note: the LJ comm is for future attendees to interact with us and each other as well!  Not just for the posting of official news.)And here is our current promo art: http://pics.livejournal.com/supes_/pic/0004rp1x
Also, if you go here: http://therustygear.livejournal.com/3619.htmlthere is a handy-dandy little code people can post on their own websites or social network pages to help us spread the word about pre-registration.

JohnBlabber:  Awesome, well Ill be sure to sign up! Have a great day!