Bongo Comics Review: Simpsons #184

Lisa attempts to get passes to the Karma-Con being held in Springfield, but it seems the harder she tries to enter the event, the more elusive it becomes. Meanwhile, Homer and Flanders make a small wager during a church fundraising event, but Homer soon finds himself in way over his head… and everybody else’s!

Spoilers below


In this issue we see Lisa trying to get into a Karma-Con convention that hit Springfield, but she doesn’t have a ticket. ence she tries a number of ways of breaking in even pretending to be one of Apu’s children!  The convention itself is a gathering of different religious groups that believe in Karma, and even brings in super famous movie star Rainier Wolfcastle. Thankfully she gets in but only because she gets a ummm….lift from a different diety.

Homer ends up getting into a balloon race for charity with Ned Flanders. With the help of his son, he takes off into a hot-air balloon with no GPS or wherewithal of where he’s going or how he’s going to get there. Eventually, a hole gets ripped into the side of the balloon and Homer has to go pant-less to help patch up the hole. Sure enough, a call to a higher power helps land the balloon…and collect the most charity money!

Overall this was a great issue, the story was funny and both plots blend in very very well. A special kudos to both side stories featuring Angry Dad and the Spectacular Spider-pig on their adventures into some Risky Business!