My response to IGN’s top 10 Resurrected Shows(and my Simpsons guarantee)

My response to IGN’s top 10 Resurrected Shows(and my Simpsons guarantee)


IGN is a crazy son of a bitch. I go there for the game reviews really (Christmas is right around the corner, and Santa needs a fucking list) but sometimes they post the dumbest shit articles, but every now and again they actually do cool things like this list of 10 shows that came back from cancellation(which includes shows like Futurama and Family Guy). But of course, I gotta do a list of my own…

So keep checking back all day today as I post 10 animated shows that I think should return from cancellation…(and no I do not believe The Simpsons will be cancelled this year and do believe the producers and talent will come to an agreement. I mean fuck Fox JUST said they are considering a Simpsons channel).