Review: Squidbillies “Class of ’86”

1986 was a great year. It was the last season in which my NY Mets actually won the World Series, Metallica released the greatest metal record of all time in Master of Puppets, and Pixar animation would open its doors, pioneering the animated 3D movie industry which it still dominates to this day. However for Sheriff, 1986 was a shitty high school graduation year…



In this episode “Class of 86” we see the Sheriff settling an old score at a class reunion. Early as it turns out, was in the same school and class year as the sheriff so he starts to work out as to look in tip top shape for the gathering. Sheriff meanwhile tries to get ready for the reunion by unsuccessfully getting a date to the event, so he ends up taking Granny instead. However once there, Early hooks up with some fat bitch, and the whole ordeal becomes a lame setup for a stupid “twist” ending.
