“Trill League” Not Going Forward With Animated Series Adaptation At Adult Swim
Adult Swim is NOT in the league.
You may remember a bit ago we told you guys about the potential of a Trill League animated series being pitched to Adult Swim, well now we know the results of said pitch.
Taking to the official Facebook page, creator and producer Anthony Piper had this to say about the pitch:
FIRSTLY, and what most of y‘all wanna know about: The Animated Series. As of now…unfortunately, nope — Trill League won’t be coming to a screen anytime soon. Adult Swim has not “officially” turned down the series, as I just received some feedback and critiques last week. However, if I were to be pragmatic about its chances, they are relatively low with them or any other network and SVOD platform.
If I’m Anthony, I’m not stopping with Adult Swim. I’m checking under the hoods of FXX, TBS (of whom is HOT right now), Netflix, Amazon, and maybe even Funimation before I’d hang up my spurs. There’s more than one cat in the game, you just gotta find it.
New year and still hiding and supporting the censorship org The PTC that post disinformation as well. And you can't handle the truth that I expose them and tell the truth about them Lil Al that is a fanboy of The PTC. There wrong about the UCLA study that teens don't want sex on TV shows or movies which was flawed and without merit and baseless as well which you seem not to get Litttle Al. Anf you should not support censorship and what The PTC stands since their liars can't back up their claims either as they have no facts or proof either. The facts are the fact Lil Al which you can't handle.