Sibling Games Ahead in Luigi’s Day Out by HotDiggitty

No one wants to be Luigi do they? Given the choice, most gamers would chose to be Mario, fer Chris’akes, I don’t think Luigi wants to be Luigi and Mario certainly does not want to play baby-sitter!

Luigis day out 2

Just what is Max G aka HotDiggity trying to say here about Luigi? Does his brother not love him? Is he not as talented and as good at saving Princesses as Mario? Is he not as ass-kicky as Mario? No, no, and nooope is the answer to all that shiz.

Luigis Day Out

You might love Luigi’s Mansion but all that terror? That’s just what it’s like to be inside the mind of poor befuddled Luigi, he sees things differently. Let’s join the brothers um..Brothers (that’s their surname right? Brother’s?) as Mario begrudgingly takes Luigi out on a day he’ll remember for a looong time. Seriously cool animation from HotDiggity in Luigi’s Day Out.