Shorts Review: Red vs. Blue Season 12 Episode 8
The team is at a deserted refueling station, but here isn’t right. See what the guys get into next after the jump!
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When we left our team, they were at a refueling station in the middle of nowhere, with the Feds moving out. Back at the base, the cadets are practicing their sharpshooting, but Bitters is sucking hard. Palomo keeps reminding him of that, and gets beat for his trouble. Search and rescue for Tucker, Grif, Simmons and Caboose has been denied. Bitters is pissed that the team left them there so they don’t die, but they left them there to die. Everyone else has different levels of hope. One of the cones goes down, and Bitters thought it was Palomo, but it was really Felix. He tells them not to be too hard on the captains, because they did what they thought was right. Felix tells them that he is going after them.
Meanwhile, at FAC Outpost 37, Tucker and the other captains make it to their objective. Tucker is looking for the right kind of dumb, and Caboose gives it to him when he says “melt the ice like evil ice cream.” Caboose tries breathing on it, but that worked as well as you thought, given he has a helmet on. Tucker takes out the sword, and they almost instantaneously break through into the base. A Fed hears the crash, and walks in to a bunch of snowmen. He wants to start shooting, but Tucker stabs and buries him.
They see that there is nothing between the building they’re in and the detention center, but lunch break is over, and the place is now crawling with Feds. Grif wants to leave, and thinks he’s going to. Except when Tucker says he’s not sneaking past them, he’s really going to make as much noise as possible. Tucker wants to blow up some pipes, and it works, because the sewage is going into the barracks. They make it into the Detention Center. Tucker wants them to unlock the door, but the door opens, with Sarge, Wash, Donut, and Lopez waiting on the other side. That team was sent to save Tucker and his team. Caboose sure was right when he ended the episode with “Cliffhanger!”
Well, this episode took a different turn than what I was expecting. Everyone meets up again, except the problem is that Sarge and his team were tasked with the same thing Tucker and his team was, but in reverse! I was not expecting that at all. Even Felix throws a wrench, and goes to help Tucker. Then again, I said it, so I will stick to my guns on this. He will betray Tucker somehow. It was good to see Sarge and the lost soldiers. I’m giving a special nod to the snowmen in the building as well, because that was too funny. Actually, I was rolling from that entire scenario.
I’m actually kind of glad that they got to each other, because hopefully the action can begin, and shit can start blowing up. I’m waiting for what Locus and Felix do, since I have this unwavering feeling that he’s going to do something. He can play that mercenary card, but Locus is one. And on to that, why are the Feds trying to get Sarge and crew to go rescue Tucker and company? With both teams back together, the plans have changed for Tucker and the rest of the teams.
Watch the latest episode of Red vs Blue here.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs