Shorts Review: Mickey Mouse ”Third Wheel”


Spoilers Below

Mickey and Minnie are out for dinner on a romantic evening, but Goofy shows up much to the chagrin of said mice. Despite his best efforts, Goofy just comes off as a pain in the ass. Dinner is served, and of course Goofy eats everyone’s food AND Minnie. Mickey eventually breaks it to Goofy that he should leave, but really Goofy ends up eating Mickey leaving the two to have their romantic dinner inside Goof’s stomach.

Trust me, I’ve seen first-hand about the trials and tribulations of either A) being the third wheel or B) trying to tell someone HE is the third wheel. I actually lived in an apartment AS the third wheel, and that was a fucking nightmare. So, believe me when I tell you the Mickey writers knew exactly what they were talking about, but they are at their best when they somehow know the way to make sure everyone is happy and no one gets hurt. The best part was Goofy’s stomach at the end, because I couldn’t even tell at first it was a stomach until the camera pulled back. Great episode, and easily the best Valentine’s Day episode of the week.
