Seth MacFarlane confirms the return of Cleveland Brown…to Family Guy

Here’s hoping its not just the 125 degree weather that Seth is filming in right now that’s talking.


I’ve been having a bunch of fun keeping up with Seth MacFarlane’s tweets from New Mexico where he is filming his new film A Million Ways to Die in the West set to be in theaters sometime next year. Already the movie is said to have a stellar cast featuring the likes of Seth in the starring role along with Charlize Theron, Liam Neeson, and a whole bunch of other swell big names.

That said, there was ONE big casting re-addition that had me most happy but this wasn’t for any movie Seth was working on. Rather it was for the show that introduced Seth MacFarlane to the mainstream world in the first place…Family Guy. As most know, Family Guy would produce a spin-off called The Cleveland Show which lasted four seasons and was officially announced for cancellation to the NY Daily News by FOX Chief Kevin Reilly on May 13th, 2013.

However, those hoping to see the return of Cleveland might not have to wait long because Seth had THIS to say on Twitter when asked if Cleveland may move back to Quahog and subsequently return to Family Guy:

BOOM! Shout out to SpartyGirl for asking a great question. And just like that Cleveland is coming back! That said, there is no indication of when specifically Cleveland Brown will return to Family Guy, but with the new season right around the corner we may not have that long to wait. Might be a great question to ask the producers at San Diego Comic Con 2103 at the Family Guy panel.

UPDATE: Read the review of ”He’s Bla-ack!”