Season Review: Gentlemen Lobsters Season Two
Seeso may have something here.
You may notice something a bit different when logging into Seeso and finally selecting Gentlemen Lobsters. All eight episodes of the show’s second season are uploaded as opposed to the weekly releases that we got with the network’s first foray into original animated programmming Cyanide and Happiness. Also, as compared to season one of Gentlemen Lobsters, we get eight-14 minute episodes in contrast to the 13 shorts clocked in at three minutes each for show’s first season.
These changes, for the most part, work.
For those that don’t know, Gentlemen Lobsters is a buddy-animated comedy that centers on best friends and roommates Quinn and Garrett. Garrett is a tad more responsible as he is the one that goes to work all day while Quinn stays home in hopes of expanding his dreams of being a social media influencer to his 15,000 followers (most of which belong to his now dead cat). That’s not to say Garrett doesn’t have his issues. The poor guy is a couple of months removed from breaking up with the love of his life Shell, and as a result, is having a tough time moving on.
With the aforementioned longer run times, Matt Mider and Kevin Burrows do an excellent job of crafting episodes that have lots of laughs all the while really building out the main characters. During the course of the season we learn just how deep Garrett’s obsession really is, we learn that Quinn wasn’t always an Instagram whore and in fact wouldn’t feel out of place at Comic-Con, and last but not least, we learn that through thick and thing, Quinn and Garrett back each other up.
Gentlemen Lobsters DOES need to tighten some bolts. For starters, and it’s possible that Matt and Kevin didn’t even know this was going to happen, but when you unload the entirety of a season on a streaming service, one suspects more compelling reasons to stream each and every episode. Not to say 15-minutes each for eight episodes is a chore, but like another series that mixes people and talking animals-BoJack Horseman-I think more arcs and suspense could’ve done this series proud. That’s not to say there weren’t openings either! Episode six ended with one hell of a cliffhanger with Garrett and Shell that we didn’t quite get resolved by the end of the series, and in fact, things get more confusing.
But we DO get a cliffhanger, a cliffhanger, that I hope, means more Gentlemen Lobsters. This show has a lot going for it. It’s hilarious, with crass humor that’s done the right way, and overall we get delivered the goods that wouldn’t seem out of place on say Adult Swim with Hothouse’s other series Mr. Pickles.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs