Review: Wild Grinders – “School Daze” And “Grindergeddon!”
School Daze-
Rob sees Meaty enjoying an exceptionally fun skate session involving two ramps and a bear on a big, red ball through his middle school classroom window. When he finally arrives home, Meaty suggests that they should go hit the park, but Rob can’t as he’s got way too much homework to do. He thinks that the schoolwork is getting ridiculous(ness) and he’ll never have time to skate again. There’s a knock at the door and it’s Chad Hucksterball, Stubford’s dad. He’s the one who sold Meaty the bear on the ball and he’s here with another product. It’s a home schooling kit. Rob convinces his parents that it would be better if he were home schooled.
Much to Lil Rob’s dismay, home schooling isn’t going to be all about going outside while his friends sit in school and his new teacher will guarantee that because his new teacher is his sister, Denise. Rob has a dream where Denise turns the world into homework for Rob to finish. As he awakes in a panic and makes his way downstairs, Denise is there. She has more work for him to do while she goes and gets a dress for tonight’s “home school prom.” After a slow dance with Meaty, Rob decided home schooling is for the birds and he devises a plan to get back into regular school. He has a showdown of knowledge with Denise and comes out on top. Mr. Hucksterball comes through the wall and congratulates Rob on graduating. Suddenly, Rob’s parents appear and they’ve got bad news. They paid for the home school kits with Meaty’s credit card but it bounced so Rob will have to go back to regular school.
Goggles builds a board launcher so the Grinders can reach new heights. Everyone takes their turn, except Jack Knife, because he wants to have his turn be epic! He trucks in a tank of piranhas and before he can load up in the launcher, he’s hit in the head by a small, hot rock. It’s an asteroid! And there’s many more like it out there in space. There’s an especially huge one that’s going to scream past Earth in just a few days. As you could expect, this gives Lil Rob an idea. They’re gonna skate that rock!
They head over to NASA to see if they can bum a ride up to the asteroid. It takes very little convincing and soon they’re on their way. The trip on the shuttle is a smooth one and before they know it’s time to skate. As they skate, Stubford sits in his own personal spaceship. He’s claimed this asteroid for himself and is fuming that the Wild Grinders are on it. As they argue, the course of the asteroid shifts and is on a collision course with Rob’s house! Rob tries a series of tricks but nothing switches the course. Meaty farts and pushes the asteroid past Earth and saving the day.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs