Review: The Loud House “The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos”
Let’s meet a new kind of family.
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I smellllllll a spin-off!
This week’s episode of The Loud House was aired during the prime-access fringe hour for one reason and one reason only…BACK-DOOR PILOT!
That’s right, this week, the Santiagos, including Bobby and Ronnie movie to a more urban environment in an upstairs loft that overlooks the family bodega. Mrs. Santiago decides to make the move permanent which at first gains the ire Ronnie to the point of calling in Lincoln and Lori in an attempt to help convince Lori to get Bobby to return back home, but after talking, Lori learns that Bobby really likes his new gig working at the family grocery. With the job, Bobby can go to a local college that has his uncle as a professor after he gets out of high school, giving both he and Lori a chance to reconnect after the conclusion of their senior year.
Eventually, Ronnie comes around, and the extended Santiago family grows on her despite her initial worries, and gives her mom the OK for the move for GOOD!
Our Take
And if this is the outdoor pilot, I like what I’m seeing from it. Let’s break down the cast:
Bobby (voiced by Carlos Penavega), immediately goes from a love-struck dopey boyfriend to a young adult with responsibilities that include school, work, and somehow managing a long-distance relationship. How will this play out when Lori’s senior prom comes into focus? Or his?? Lots of good ideas here that Loud House fans would love to see.
Ronnie (voiced by Breanne Yde), effectively given the torch at the end by Lincoln to take care of the video diaries, Breanne’s adjustment to an urban lifestyle and not being the sole focus of the family will be tested in future episodes. How will Breanne handle moving to a different school and making new friends? Is Lincoln still in the picture?
Carlos Casagrande(voiced by Carlos Alazraqui) is a college professor and becomes the lynchpin for Bobby wanting to stay in his new setting. Carlos (the voice actor) is one of the finest voice actors in the business today and could be a great counterweight for future episodes that may see his smarts come into use none too dissimilar to a Phineas/Ferb type deal.
Frida Casagrande (voiced by Roxana Ortega) is Carlos’ wife and helps take care of the children. From the looks of the episode, she’s very much into keeping the family together and is very outgoing which is a fun contrast to Ronnie’s mom who is usually off working. Speaking of which…
Maria Santiago ( voiced by Sumalee Montano) is Ronnie and Bobby’s mom, and it will be interesting to see how the producers fit her into episodes. With Frida, Mrs. Casagrande, and other strong female leads, how will she fit into her kids lives moving forward?
CJ (voiced by Jared Cozak) is further proof that there isn’t a show pushing the boundaries on Nick than The Loud House. The series deals with social and societal issues better than the lot, and now we’re introduced to a character voiced by a special needs child, making this show one of the most diverse voice casts in the world. A spin-off series about a Hispanic family is groundbreaking enough, and Jared’s role as the lovable “CJ” shows that the producers of this series are continuing the trend.
Carlota Casagrande (voiced by Alexa Penavega) is kind of a more typical teenage girl. From first glance, definitely looks to be more of a mall-type that cares more about makeup and being attractive to boys, much to the chagrin of Ronnie who wants none of this.
Hector Casagrande (voiced by Ruben Garfias) is one of my new favorite characters. Hector runs the grocery store that Bobby works at and already appears to be a fun character. He’s a big lovable oaf that hearkens back to the Homers and Peter Griffins, but not as crass.
Overall, a strong first showing by the Casagrande family. While a couple of characters may make you think of those at Royal Woods, Michigan, the majority all jammed together in an apartment make for a silly Loud House complement that fans should enjoy.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs