Review: The Amazing World of Gumball ”The Egg”
Spoilers Below
Nicole invites a kid named ”Billy” over with his mom for a play date with Anais and right away the two little ones hit it off. Unfortunately, Billy’s mom is a bitch and a fight ensues after she starts belittling Nicole’s family right in front of all of them. Nicole flips out which causes the kids to runaway. Gumball becomes the voice of reason and convinces the moms that they have to work together to find their children, which they eventually do at the art museum. Turns out, Billy and Anais are now good friends.
Our Take
How about that character design for Nicole’s Satan? Good stuff. This show has always had great character designs, and the child-like characters feature some of the best voices in the business because they are just do damn adorable. I also couldn’t get over just how dark Billy’s mom was. Like seriously, she hounds on EVERY member of Gumball’s family and it was so bad it hurt MY feelings. Billy and Anais make a cute couple, hope to see more of them.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs