Review: Tender Touches “Train Floors” ; “Train Floors: Operetta”

Runaway trains, never going back.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

It’s the court case of the century, as Curtis is put on trial for the murder of Steve…who is actually not dead…and instead two goats. Regardless, Curtis is still in jail for the crime and it looks like he’s gonna fry. Meanwhile, Charlene is on a train with Dr. Bysmol’s brother who is supposedly killed by a flock of birds, but I’m not all the way convinced.

Our Take

The dialogue for this show is so damn funny, I can’t even think about it for fear of laughing out loud in public? What would I say to people just walking by me as I’m laughing hysterically, should I tell them about Tender Touches? Comment below.

The voice of Charlene ( I believe is Bradley Millner) is hilariously the one being carried through this whole show. He’s still the only one that doesn’t sing, and oftentimes doesn’t even know what scene he comes in, but the producers just keep him in the scene. Goats riding goats, bird people, and guys with clown noses sitting on the jury, it all adds to the variety of the show. Add to that a whole scene of speaking French, which again, Charlene had a tough time with and as such we, the audience, get a winning result.

This show is insane.
