Review: Robot Chicken – “Batman Forever 21”


Spoilers Below!

Bear Grylls-

Bear Grylls is hiding in the bushes while watching the 3-way scene from Wild Things play out right in front of him. Clearly he wants in on that action, as any red-blooded male would, so he devises a plan to distract Matt Damon and take his piece of the pie. He hops in the tub and gets his hands dirty while telling Damon how good his previous roles are.

So that’s how Affleck got the Batman role, eh?



Dr. Ryan Stone-

Sandra Bullock’s character from Gravity is stranded in space. She calls out to Earth for help, but all she gets in return are some stupid radio DJ’s. They play all of the stereotypical sound effects and lame dick jokes while she pleads for help from NASA. She decides that her only way out is to jettison the escape hatch and meet her demise…just like I wish I could have done after listening to those DJ’s.



Brainy Smurf-

Brainy Smurf announces that there will be an election to name the #2 in command behind Papa Smurf. He talks up his case to be elected but is booted out of town. Instead of crawling back like he normally would, he decides to take matters into his own hands and tell Gargamel where the village is. He then seduces Smurfette and exposes Handy Smurf’s “Previous lifestyle.” Hefty Smurf ends up winning the election and as soon as he does Gargamel Attacks and kills Papa Smurf. Brainy is there for the rescue with a gatling gun that Handy built for him. Smurfette calls for another vote and Hefty wins again on sheer looks alone.




Baloo has been having some pretty nasty dreams. He knows his life has been spent in the jungle but his dreams tell him that he was a wisecracking, taco-eating, drag-wearing pilot in another life. When a snake attacks he deftly kills it but he doesn’t know how he was able to do so with such ease. We see a group of suits around a table and they realize that their double agent is starting to remember his former life. Louie the Ape appears in his next dream and Baloo knows he’s the missing piece to the puzzle. Baloo kidnaps Louie and forces him to tell all he knows. Louie tells Baloo about “Project Blackwater,” a time when the CIA tried to train bears how to pilot plains. 747 bears perished in this costly experiment. Just then, the room is attacked and Baloo pursues the assailant. It turns out to be his love interest, Rebecca, who is killed by a sniper. Baloo vows to take revenge and finds the office where the suits are holed up and starts shooting.



Other Sketches-

“Peter Pan”, “ Doom Is A Grouch”, “Sinestro Gets Yellow Fever”, “F*ck A Horse”, “State Farm”, “Neanderthal Bragging”

Sketch Of The Night!-

Sketch OF the Night goes to the Bump before RC even aired. They gave us a good news/bad news scenario then dropped the bomb that The Simpsons would finally air on Adult Swim! Sadly, it’ll only be during the Simpsons/Family Guy crossover episode rerun but it had me hooked for a moment. That’s smart advertising right there!

That said, the SOTN in the actual show goes to “Doom Is A Grouch.” Classic seering metal on face/dick humor never gets old when given in the right doses.

Skip This Sketch-

F*ck A Horse was pretty lame. It went too long….waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Neanderthal Bragging went a bit long as well. Had those skits been trimmed down we probably could have seen another sketch in this episode.