Review: Regular Show ‘A Skips in Time’
It’s like Back to the Future, but without oncoming Parkinson’s.
Spoilers Below
A tornado is kicking the shit out of the park but before everyone can run for cover they come across this guy who crashes from a hot air balloon. We learn that its Skips…Teenage Skips from the 18th Century. Turns out Little Skips was a big fan of storm chasing and he was caught in a tornado and that’s why he is here. Skips needs to get his past self back because if he doesn’t he will die. Turns out Muscle Man has a time machine so he goes and gets it but Teenage Skips grows restless but he learns about the majesties of Pizza pouches and video games. Eventually, Muscles comes back empty-handed so Techmo shows up and the crew goes and chases after the storm as its their only hope to get everything back to normal. However when the balloon gets set up to go back into the tornado, teenage Skips steals all of the pizza pouches and tries to make a run for it with Mordecai and Rigby still in the balloon. Teenage Skips goes back to his time, but Older Skips and Techmo save Mordecai and Rigby from eventual disaster. And Skips never forgets a friend.
First thing’s first…Tecmo is awesome…why? Because his name is Tecmo. I love his gadgets, but this one took the cake. A panini maker on his arm?? I WANT ONE. Seeing Mordecai, Rigby, and Skips young was rather entertaining and I loved the over riding premise of time travel and using the tornadoes were a rather interesting twist on the normal every day variety time travel store. My problem is with Older Skips and Younger Skips both voiced by Mark Hamill the Younger effort sounded TOO much like Hamill’s depiction of the Joker from the Batman: Animated Series and with that I was constantly looking for Batman to come and save the day and as much as I love Tecmo…Batman he ain’t.