Review: Mr. Pickles ”Where is Mr. Pickles?”


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Mr. Smilton puts out a hit for Mr. Pickles and with Mr. Goodman and the rest of the family attending a BBQ hosted by Floyd, they are already preoccupied. Tommy catches Pickles being taken and alerts the Sheriff, but the dog kills his first would-be captor. Pickles returns to the bbg, and Grandpa follows him to an abandoned house and shows up JUST in time to see the dog take care of business.

Tommy continues to head around town looking for Pickles and Mr. Goodman breaks it to Floyd that he’s fat. Eventually, Sheriff breaks it to Tommy that he isn’t going to be able to help find his dog because he’s grounded. As a result, Tommy dons the Sheriff’s hat and captures one of the bounty hunters. Tommy takes the captor to the abandoned house, but he gets tied up to a chair and JUST as he’s getting ready to torch Tommy, Pickles comes to the rescue and saves his boy. Pickles escapes from the now burning building. The Goodmans head back home just in time for Pickles to see Mr. Smilton and wear his head.

It took a while, but we finally got the episode of Mr. Pickles that I thought we would’ve gotten a few more times. By far, this week’s episode had way more awesome kills than the rest of the season, and really everyone was just so damn funny. The Sheriff saying all the crazy shit before he takes a nap. Watching in horror as Floyd takes Goodman through his mansion and introduces everyone to his really hot wife. Even Tommy taking on the role of the Sheriff was just too good to pass up. I wish we had a bit more time with the bounty hunters, but I still had a lot of fun.