Review: Mr. Pickles “Shovenpucker”


Spoilers Below

How do you you get the best speed/upper effect from a sour candy? Yes, you suck on it, but according to this show, with your lower mouth. I have no need to delve into any more detail.

“Shovenpucker” opens with Tommy being robbed. He’s not robbed of money, or anything of monetary valuable. No, he’s robbed of his leg-braces for the spare scrap metal. It’s up to the super hero named “Super Hero Guy” to find the perpetrator. But Super Hero Guy is the perpetrator; what a twist! “Side Kick Boy” who constantly lets out exclamations like “Jeeping Jaspers!!” reveals that Super Hero Guys is now hooked on shovenpucker candies. As previously mentioned, he gets his high by shoving them up where the sun don’t shine and pawns off scrap metal to obtain money for them. Tommy, Mr. Pickles, and Side Kick Boy set off find the leg-braces and save the save by saving the townspeople on a train heading off the rails.

My sense of humor is warped. If an episode of a television show is just so crazy and makes no sense, then I typically don’t enjoy it. However, if the show is crazy, and makes no sense, but it makes me laugh throughout, then I love it. This episode belonged to the latter category and I loved every minute of it. The transition of Super Hero Guy taking the shovenpuckers, only for his face to pucker up, while he does an uncontrollable hyperactive dance is hilarious. A .gif needs to be made with his shrunken-head dance and posted around, so all can enjoy. The variation of the dance changes each time, so it’s different enjoy to keep the audience laughing with how outrageous it is. Seeing the over-joyous and smiling Tommy in a giant mech-suit is a site that I never expected to see, and the sheer lack of ordinary visuals in this episode particularly made it enjoyable and unpredictable. This episode deserves a high-rating and quite frankly, was, in my opinion, probably the most entertaining and enjoyable episode of the entire series.
