Review: Mr. Pickles ‘Father’s Day Pie’
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After Mr. Pickles throws in a few more prisoners into his hole, we come to find out that it’s Father’s Day and that means Mr. Goodman gets a pie! Unfortunately, he can’t eat it until he gets home from work. Although it really doesn’t matter anyway because some asshole steals the pie and takes off with it. Tommy and Mr. Pickles discover that Bigfoot has taken the pie, only to find out it’s a former foot soldier of the Italian mob masquerading as Bigfoot by way of the Witness Protection Program. Turns out, this guy Vito had ratted out his old crew the Gabagoolies, and now he lives in the woods as Bigfoot. As dick as that sounds, Vito is actually a pretty nice guy and offers to make Tommy a new pie for his dad.
To do that, Vito does what he does best…he robs a grocery store and orders all of the ingredients in making his famous cherry pie, moreover Mr. Pickles goes around back and kills the entire store staff to get at some jumbo pickles. When word gets out about Bigfoot’s stick up, the Gabagoolies figure that it’s Vito and decide to put a hit out on him.
At work, Mr. Goodman is called in to act as ‘The Boss’ son for Father’s Day and Grandpa promises his daughter that he won’t mention one word of Mr. Pickles’ evil tendencies in honor of the fake holiday despite all of the promising leads. The Gabagoolies eventually run into Tommy, Pickles, Bigfoot, and Mr. Goodman with his boss at a local diner. With everyone fretting a gang war, the entire place clears out which allows Pickles to kill all of the Gabagoolies. Afterward, the Boss’ real dad shows up and is framed as the killer. Back at home, the family sits down to some nice pie, and Grandpa fails yet again at getting Mr. Pickles into trouble.
This week, you guys get to see the first REAL potential of this series being potentially the best new one of the year. Imagine if the producers of this series imagined up Goodfellas, and you’ve got a good idea of what went down, but there was so much going on along the way that made this show only possible on Adult Swim. Hell, the episode even guest-starred the brilliant Frank Vincent (Sopranos, Goodfellas, Casino) who had to have a double-take when he first read the script noting all of the deer-fucking that his character did. The Boss was also hysterical this week, as the opening scene featured him constantly turning around his chair while trying to talk to Mr. Goodman, which just, I don’t know why, but had me in tears. Probably because I’ve been in those one on one meetings with bosses and every one of them wishes they can turn in their chair. In terms of murder, this week was potentially a bit more gruesome than prior weeks and that’s a-OK with me. From Pickles bashing in old-school VHS tapes into store employees’ head to all of the surgery that Vito had to go through in order to become Bigfoot, anyone that is faint of heart will not be able to tolerate the series. For everyone else, Mr. Pickles is a good boy this week.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs