REVIEW: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembled! 


Spoilers Below

Ultron is somehow able to infect Tony Stark and turns Iron Man into his puppet, causing all sorts of trouble in Avengers Tower before he takes off. The Avengers follow close, and find out that Yellow Jacket, Hydra, and Ultron are working together to destroy Marvel’s greatest heroes which officially includes Hulk, Cap, Vision, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Thor, Black Widow, and minus Iron Man whom is still under Ultron’s control.

Thor gets in Iron Man’s head and finds out that Thor has to shock Stark to relinquish Ultron’s control. The God of Thunder does just that, and the Avengers are reunited. Spider-Man and Iron Spidey capture Yellow Jacket and get some answers to some plans going down, and a battle seems apparent.

When the Avengers show up to their tower, Ultron is doing a fair amount of damage, and things get worse when he creates a robot of himself out of his minions to destroy the team once and for all. Fortunately, Ant-Man is able to get inside of Ultron’s head and make dis-assembly requred leaving the Avengers to welcome their newest member…Falcon!

Our Take

Similar to the Droid Tales mini-series, Disney XD premieres a Marvel parody of an Avengers: Age of Ultron spin-off. Unlike Droid Tales, this isn’t nearly as funny nor gag-heavy. The dialogue was rife with ingredients that was supposed to make you remember the actors from the movie, but instead it just causes headaches. However, fans of cameos should be ecstatic as some of our fabled Web Warriors show up along with Falcon at the end. Moreover, we get a decent amount of the most recent Avenger’s lineup Ant-Man and his nemesis Yellow Jacket, though it’s unclear how Von Strucker came back to life.

Michael Price is so good at this brand of show that I dont know why they didn’t ask him back for this, because you can tell the LEGO take on Marvel just quite doesn’t have the same level of finesse or humor as the Star Wars varieties.