Review: Fish Hooks ‘The Brandon Bubble’


Spoilers Below

The Justin Bieber of the fish world, Brandon Bubbler, joins Freshwater High and the kids have no idea how to deal with life. – Especially Bea, who confronts the situation as a psychotic teen fan…Just like real life.

Brandon is forced to go back to school so that he can reconnect with teens, while Bjorn, the other new student, is actually 37 years old and just wants to relive a teenage dream – making statutory behaviors normal.

Unfortunately, Bea makes the mistake of showing Brandon all of the GOOD things about being a teenager and Brandon decides to ditch the pop lifestyle for a fun teenage life… That was until Bea decided to show him all of the miserable things about a teenager. Even after all of the parental restrictions and bad grades, Brandon Bubbler decides that the teenage life is the one for him… Moral of the episode – Fuck You Bieber –
