Review: Family Guy ‘Farmer Guy’
Spoilers Below
According to the news, crime is on the rise in the town of Quahog. At first, it doesn’t seem as such but when seals are robbing chicks, babies come out blazin’, and even Quagmire is getting mugged you know something’s up! Worse yet, the Griffin house gets robbed and as such Lois and the fam decide to move away from the crime-infested town and start anew. With the wonders of FOX backing, Peter finds a farm house and WHAM! He’s gotta new house! At first, Lois isn’t thrilled with selling her house, but soon everyone gets on board with the move. Eventually, Peter takes up farming and he seems to like it. Unfortunately, the farm soon falls into debt which causes Brian to go back to school to learn how to be a farmer, but almost immediately after a big huge tornado comes by and the Griffins have to seek shelter underground. Once they turn on the lights, the Griffins discover that they have uncovered a meth lab. At first, Lois wants to call the cops, but Peter sees dollar signs. He thinks the family should launch the meth lab as a way to save the farm.
Brian returns to discover the farm in ruins and notices that the Griffins are top-notch dealers complete with an unconscious Meg. One news report later, the Griffins learn that their drugs are reaching Quahog which causes Lois to leave in distress. Thankfully, the meth house blows up and the Griffins move back together.
Cutaway Gags
Das Is Gut!, Chris’ Wedgie, Nothing Is What It Seems, Chris’ Pregnancy Test, Sense of Wonder, Planned Parenthood, Invade the City of Troy, Miners in San Fran, Larry, Specifics Store, The Proposal, College Speeches, Peter and Lois in the Bathroom, Crickets, Pigeons, Kid Rock Concert, Ass from a hole in the Ground
Our Take
LOOK AT ALL THOSE CUTAWAY GAGS! Serious, this might have been some sort of record. This many cutaways tell me maybe the writers had an off night in coming up with straight-up jokes and instead resorted to the cutaways. Granted, they were funny but I was trying to really get invested into the main story of which I felt a bit gypped. At first I was starting to get into the whole Peter being a farmer, then wham almost right away we had to switch into being drug dealers. Then I was getting excited about Peter being a drug dealer but boom it was over before it even started by the time Brian got back from the shortest college trip ever. As a matter of fact, and I can’t believe I am saying this, but this week’s episode really could’ve used a B-plot MAYBE about Brian going to college? I could’ve used a trip down memory lane for that one, but instead Farmer Guy grows with seeds of disappointment. Hopefully, the finale can be a whole lot better.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs