Crash tries to help Wyatt overcome his fear of bugs. Meanwhile, Amanda plans to see a horror movie.
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Wyatt comes up with a lame attempt to not go to school because a bug doctor is in town and Wyatt hates bugs all because he retardedly tried to eat a spider one time. Crash thinks he’s nuts and figures the kid needs to face his fears so he can go to school. Back at the arcade Wyatt is actually considering bodily harm to get out of the show which causes Crash to try hypnotism which doesn’t work. Later Crash even brings a scorpion into the house then a bunch of beetles scattered all over the kid’s bed. Worse yet, the Scorpion escapes its jar and is loose in the house! Eventually, Crash gets bitten and has to go to the hospital to get it drained but it turns out he’s afraid of mustaches which eventually leads to crazy nightmares. Wyatt, actually comes around and agrees to check out the bug specialist at school if in exchange for his bro getting over staches. Wyatt gets called out at the seminar in front of the class but eventually Crash knocks everyone and everything out causing mass hysteria with numerous scurry bugs running all over.
Amanda wants to see a horror movie but its too violent and her mom makes a rule that she has to see it first even though she really doesn’t want to. Turns out Amanda went to go see it anyway and now is scared shitless of which Cleo holds it over her sister’s head. Eventually, Amanda comes clean to her mother and yes Mel comes clean too. That said Mel eventually sees the movie and she’s freaked out too!
I wasn’t buying it this week. For one, Oana Gregory comes off as a terrible actress just trying to remember her lines as she shows no real emotion in her parts. Heck, even Cole Jensen came off as a bit of a douche, and the director’s close up shots on the kid was just way over the top to go along with an unlikely scenario that a late teen is afraid of bugs. Also, who is the black kid and where did he come from??
New year and still hiding and supporting the censorship org The PTC that post disinformation as well. And you can't handle the truth that I expose them and tell the truth about them Lil Al that is a fanboy of The PTC. There wrong about the UCLA study that teens don't want sex on TV shows or movies which was flawed and without merit and baseless as well which you seem not to get Litttle Al. Anf you should not support censorship and what The PTC stands since their liars can't back up their claims either as they have no facts or proof either. The facts are the fact Lil Al which you can't handle.