Review: Bob’s Burgers ‘Boyz 4 Now’


Spoilers Below

Tina and Louise are checking out a boy band called ‘Boyz 4 Now’ with their Aunt Gayle but Gayle cancels leaving Tina depressed and Louise pumped.  Eventually, Louise decides to help Tina out and they run into Zeke and agree to ride with them to the show. The girls eventually get to the concert and find their spots, and at first Louise is impressed. This soon changes when she checks out lead singer Boo Boo causing her to have a big time crush.  She tries to snap out of it, but Louise is no match for the aura that is Boo Boo so now she wants to know all about him.  Tina tells Louise all about Boo Boo which causes the bunny-eared one to try and get back stage to see the boys. Zeke and Leslie help Tina and Louise break into the band’s bus and hide…but…with…the…bus…MOVING!  Yep, all Louise wanted to do was to slap her crush Boo Boo in the face, but now the sisters are touring. Turns out Boo Boo has to sit in a booster seat when the bus is driving, and when the girls find out the band orders the bus to stop at a rest area long enough for Louise to get her slaps in.  Aunt Gayle picks the girls up and drives them home.

Meanwhile, Gene attends a table-sitting competition with his supportive parents. That is until the rents meet another dude named Oscar Anthony  which causes a rift between them and the Belchers. Now Bob and Linda REALLY want Gene to win.  Eventually both kids get to move on to the second round after impressive first round wins, but Gene isn’t prepared so Bob and Linda decide to help their son reach crazy heights.  They opt to empty Linda’s purse that seems to have all sorts of cool shit inside. The Belchers create a menstrual inspired table that loses them the competition, but the Anthonys lost too.

I think its funny as hell that Kristen Schaal JUST had an episode of Gravity Falls air all about Mabel getting obsessive over a boy band and here this week on Bob’s her other character Louise more or less does the same thing. Granted, I think Mabel was a bit more OCD whereas Louise was a bit more violent, but when you boil it down its all iron. That said, Tina was hysterical! From her singing along to the boy band, to her comment of the decade near the end saying ‘I stuff my bra just like everyone else, one boob at a time’. I think I’m paraphrasing there, but I’m not far off and it was pretty rad. That said, I think this plot should end all boy band plots, right? I mean EVERYONE has done it at this juncture and as such I think its time to let this fad go. I’m also getting a little tired of competitions with Bob’s Burgers as it seems like every week we have another one and this week was no different with Gene’s table-setting deal. Granted it was funny as hell seeing a ‘ The Mens-truant’, I just couldn’t help but think ‘I think I’ve seen one just like this last week or so’. Overall, this week’s episode of Bob’s was none too wildly original, but like every one of Bob’s Burgers, its usually well-done.