English Dub Review: Bleach Episode 346
What will Ichigo do when he’s out of options? Find out after the jump!
We start at the end of the last episode, where Ichigo realizes how useless he really is without his Soul Reaper powers. He calls Xcution, and registers. After the pain in the ass registration process, Kubo finally answers. The next day at school, the poster child for No Child Left Behind gets a hold of him. Yep, it’s an early appearance for Orihime. I felt obligated to capture her idiocy, so I give you this:
She asks of Sado current condition, but Ichigo knows nothing, of course. He hasn’t been coming to school for days, and Orihime is worried. Orihime asks Ichigo if he wants to go with, but he turns her down cold. Ichigo then recants his discussion with Kubo, who gives him a meeting place the next day. Orihime shows up and doesn’t get an answer when she knocks on Yasutora’s door. She starts to get scared, because the Doc told her she could be next. She drops the food off, and bails. Ichigo gets to Kubo’s meeting place, and tells Kubo he wants help from him to save his friends. Ichigo puts two and two together, and he figures that Kubo isn’t an ordinary human.
Kubo has Ichigo follow him inside. They take an elevator, to an apartment with a card slot. There, the rest of Xcution is waiting. Kubo then goes into the objective in contacting Ichigo. They want to restore Ichigo’s powers. Meanwhile Riruka is talking to a dark figure, yelling at him for his choice of sleeping arrangements. She gets even more pissed because of him not talking. She decides to take a swing, and hurts her hand. Back at the apartment, Kubo goes into detail about his plans.
Ichigo’s scowl is very prominent after the break, showing that he is not very happy being there. The members of Xcution were born with a special ability, and that is the ability to draw out souls. He uses that ability to drink his booze without picking up the glass. It has the same green glow that the guy who attacked Uryu had on his feet. After an explanation, Kubo then manifests his sword. I can’t lie, that shit looks awesome. The ability is called Fullbring. Riruka shows up, and breaks the monotony parade, finally. The guy she was escorting was Chad. Kubo is trying to calm Ichigo down, but it’s taking a while. Riruka tries to find a flashlight to see Ichigo, and she falls over with infatuation.
Kubo then talks about Hollows, and where their hearts go after getting torn out. The link of the members were that all of their mothers were attacked by Hollows, and they got remnants of the powers. They want to lose their powers, and use Ichigo to exchange powers. Ichigo hears all of this, and says that this isn’t why he came. He wants to know why terrible things are happening to his friends. To close out the episode, the mysterious man from previous episodes closes his book, and seems to start taking an action of some sort.
I guess this week was a bunch of back story with their shows, because we also got a bunch tonight with Bleach. It was good to see what Xcution was all about, finally, and the inevitable collision course Ichigo will be on with the group. I still hate Ichigo, but he may have something to do that won’t turn him into another Shonen god-like character. I find Kubo very interesting, because he’s calm about everything. he’s not going bat shit with trying to destroy, he’s just trying to get rid of powers he didn’t want. This was a fantastic set up episode, but unfortunately, it doesn’t do much for me to elaborate on. I can’t wait to see what Kubo does going forward, because you know that he has some serious powers going on.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs