Reddit AMA Recaps: ‘Goblins’ Animated Series

A nice primer on the recently posted Kickstarter project.

The other day we told you guys about an animated series adaptation for the Goblins Animated Series inspired by the popular comics series created by Tarol Hunt and Danielle Stephens. The Kickstarter is now live and the series already has Phil LaMarr and Matt King attached to star. Everyone on hand took part in a Reddit AMA where the people behind the booths were asked a bunch of questions about the project and we have the highlights:

On how the series stays true to the comic:

Phil-We’ve worked to keep the style, tone and even some of the jokes as close to the comic as we can. That’s part of the reason we’re doing it as a Kickstarter instead of going to a studio or something and being forced to change it to fit their idea of what Goblins should be.

Matt King-There are necessary differences when telling a story through animation, but the stories start in the same place and go the same direction.

On how the animated adaptation came to be:

Comics creators: Matt is really persistent. He’s been working on us for years. Ok, from the beginning: We published the first ever paper Goblins Book 1. Peter Robinson from GeeksOn podcast was a reader, and said “Hey pocast, let’s review this!” So they did. Matt’s a member of the podcast team. Because of the review, I started listening to the podcast. I was running VCON, a convention in Vancouver. I invited the GeeksOn team as Special Guests, so they came from Los Angeles to Vancouver, where we met in person. We stayed friends with Matt afterwards. Matt is very persistent.

if Goblins Animated reaches the Maze of the Many-arc, will the alts get different voice actors, or are Maurice and Billy going to talk to themselves a lot?

Phil-Absolutely! They’re used to it. If you watch the first ep of Futurama, there’s a scene where the Professor introduces Fry to Zoidberg, and Billy did that scene all in one take.

On how the show will be made available


King It really depends on how deeply we get funded. We have a distribution channel set up if we go to a full series, but if we only get a pilot then we are still in the game of distributing locally on our website through the members only access. Fingers crossed for full series!!!

How far into the comics will the animated series go:


It’s all very up in the air right now. Basically, the more the Kickstarter makes, the more episodes we can immediately jump into. What we ‘want’, is to do the whole comic storyline.