Man Actually Created ‘Simpsons’-inspired Electric Hammer
Straight out of the 1998 Simpsons episode “The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace,” a German man has actually created a prototype of one of Homer’s inventions: the electric hammer.
On the show, Homer became obsessed with emulating inventor Thomas Edison, and tried his hand at creating some gadgets of his own, including the Lazy Man Reclining Toilet Chair, the Everything’s OK Alarm, a makeup gun, and the aforementioned hammer.
Out of these inventions, only the latter ended up being a pretty good idea (although the gun did get the makeup in the right places; so it just needs some fine tuning, right?) although it failed in execution. That didn’t deter Patrick Priebe (a German laser gadget-builder) and as his YouTube video shows, his results were quite positive.
The aluminum-based tool is powered by an 80.5-volt, 1,000-mAh lithium-polymer battery (obvz!) and does, in fact, hammer nails successfully.
Be sure to check out the video for more info. And bonus points to Priebe for humming the Simpsons theme song during the hammering demonstration.