Is A Re-Mastered “Alf” DVD Set On The Way?
This thing’s a mess. is hearing that Lionsgate will be re-releasing Alf-The Complete Series on DVD on May 9th just in time for Father’s Day. The thought is that THIS version of the re-release could in fact include the full run of the show in episodic order and NOT the edited for syndication episodes that were part of the last DVD release of the series about 10+ years ago.
If that’s the case…COUNT ME IN! Syndicated versions of any show is like getting the “Edited for TV” Scarface in that you may get extra scenes, but anything deemed too controversial that may have even been left in for the original airing of the show, is instead left on the cutting room floor for the syndicated run.
Show creator Paul Fusco has been threatening to bring the Alf franchise back in some way shape or form. The original prime-time series ran for four seasons from 1986 through 1990 with 99 episodes made for TV but 102 sent out for syndication (the final two episodes of Alf never aired on broadcast TV, only in syndication). The Project Alf movie then followed in 1996 as a sequel to the finale that would effectively become the end of the live-action version of the series. Sony Pictures has since announced they’ve picked up a live-action CG movie featuring Alf but that was a while ago.
Hopefully, where there’s smoke there’s fire and we can get some more info soon.
"There are also other characters that come and go (also owned by the Warner Bros. Discovery conglomerate media company)."
Huh. Is that just referring to other characters from the show itself, or is this implying that the new season is going to have cameos from other WBD IPs