English Dub Review: Space Dandy “I’m Never Remembering You, Baby”
What in the hell could bring Dandy to a library? Find out after the jump!
We get our glimpse of Dr. Gel and his flying Statue Of Liberty cross, still on the hunt for Dandy. He is charting space-time distortions and their energy increases. (Did they just cleverly have two episodes come together? You sly dogs.) After Bean spills coffee on him, Admiral Perry calls, just to get ignored by Gel. So, Perry puts Bean in charge on this operation. They are going to take over Planet Legado, just because they called him about an overdue library book. So, you’re going to take over a library planet, because of a library book. That seems legit. Anyway, Gel is still wrapped up in his formula, so he’s oblivious to everything.Meanwhile, Dandy is at the Alien Registration office, and he doesn’t want Scarlet opening the box. If she does, everyone forgets what’s inside it. Scarlet takes the box, and goes to open it, but Dandy makes her drop the box, causing it to open. Everyone forgets, and we restart all over again. Dandy takes out a book from the box, and then we go back to Dr. Gel. He is still obsessing over the formula, while Bean and Perry talk over the Legado Invasion, when we get a really well drawn security feed of Dandy in a paper bag, Meow, and QT stealing what turns out to be the overdue book, “Secrets of the Cosmos, for Dummies.”
At Boobies, Dandy is trying to understand the book, but it’s written in an ancient language that not even QT knows. Meow picks up the book, and a slip falls out. After Dandy draws a pair of boobs on the slip, Honey takes the slip, and says it’s for a tour of Planet Legado. It’s a complementary ticket for 3 to spend 3 days and 4 nights. As they leave, Honey feels like she hasn’t seen Dandy in a while. Bean has an occupation fleet outside Legado, when the Aloha-Oe warps in. Bean tries to get Gel, but he’s spacing out worse than Reed Richards at this point. Bean tries to capture Dandy, but he uses his Aloha Beam to break free. Of course, this escalates things, and Bean shoots every missile at Dandy. Fortunately, Dandy escapes using an unknown transport.
They make it onto Legado, and they are getting tracked by a book that looks like the Necronomicon from Army of Darkness. This planet is drawn like a pencil sketch. I don’t say this often, but it is fucking beautiful. Dandy and QT are on the hunt for food and booze, when they see QT eating, I mean downloading, data like a fiend. As Dandy is about to rip the voucher in half, the Legado security come, and welcome back Grand Librarian Alethia and Deputy Librarian Idea. Dandy and crew have no idea who they are, and the Necronomicon book is still doing surveillance on Dandy. Back on the ship, Bean hasn’t heard back from Legado, Bean looks at the surveillance the Necronomicon book sent back, and Gel has started to write on that screen. He finally realizes the missing piece of the formula, but doesn’t say it. On Legado, the book is Alethia, and the slip is Idea. The alien is actually a parasite alien who manipulated Dandy, QT and Meow to rescue him, and bring him back. The alien actually collects data, and stores it in physical form, that being “Secrets of the Cosmos, for Dummies.” The Great Librarian actually erased their memories, and did it again. The Librarian just wanted to see the universe. Book aliens are like unfinished books, and their drive is to finish themselves. Dandy was of no help, but the Librarian’s aid goes to fix that.
Gel is still going on about the formula, when Legado opens fire on the fleet. Bea insists on evacuating, but Gel is infatuated with the formula. Apparently, Dandy is the Cosmos, the ever-changing truth. That is the energy that Dandy possesses. Gel got it, but it’s so powerful, anyone who attains it dies. Aleitha has to erase the memories of Dandy’s crew one last time, and we go right back to the Alien Registration station. The box falls again, but this time, it’s a tape. The tape manipulates the viewer’s memory, that started a world turn towards chaos, which no one remembers.
This episode was something else. Legado, like I said before, looked phenomenal. You know that you have a talented staff when they can go from so many bright, vibrant colors to almost black and white with very pale colors, and make it look even better. The mind manipulating parasite aliens were pretty cool, especially since they are book aliens. I would have never guessed that a book could be an alien.
I like that the Golgol are finally being used for more than a 30 second spot in the beginning. This entire episode revolved around them, even though the catalyst was an overdue library book. I hope that we get more of them. I touched on this before, but did we really have the last two episodes have an arch of sorts? Things from the pyonium explosion last episode came into this episode. I am digging this series a lot, which is good. This series is hitting its stride.
My Love Affair with Marriage was great! I hope this gets enough of a release in the US for me to be able to go to it in theatres.