Dan Bilzerian Jumps Into Crowded Animated Niche With “Blitz’s Real Hollywood Stories”

Yep…this guy.

Last year, we got a heaping dose of animated retellings of comedy stories from a number of different networks, and it looks like this year will be almost as busy. Already, the infamous Mike Judge is getting ready to do a similar series with Cinemax, and most recently we found out that WWE Network’s take on the genre is currently in production for a second season set to premiere sometime later this year.

Dan Bilzerian is hoping to get a similar level of success with his brand-new R-rated animated comedy series which is streaming now on Blitz TV called Blitz’s Real Hollywood Stories. Unlike other sketch shows of this variety, this show is all about Dan and such crazy events in his life like from suffering two heart attacks before the age of 32 as a result of heavy drug use, to losing his virginity.

All of this is available on Dan’s own channel  www.BlitzTV.com where you too can subscribe for only $4.99 a month to get premium content. OR, you can wait later this week because we’ll be reviewing the series, and we’ll let you know if it’s worth the effort. We’re already off on the wrong food with the franchise because the press release is claiming similarities to Archer and South Park, and I’m willing to bet this thing is neither, so we’ll let you know. Check out a trailer here.

Read our reviews of the first four episodes here.