One of my favorite genres of movies include superhero comedies. So films like Blankman, Mystery Men, and Super have always struck a cord with me as being guilty pleasures of mine. On television, there are probably only a couple of shows on that do spoofs quite as well as The Simpsons which is totally on display when you think of Morty Mann’s creation Radioactive Man. Originally depicted as a character played by Ranier Wolfcastle(an obvious play on Arnold Schwarzenegger), Radioactive Man is a character often looked up to by Bart and Milhouse and furthermore exploited by Comic Book Guy so as to ascertain funds from the previously mentioned.

Bongo Comics has a real gift in taking Simpsons characters and ideas and expanding them. Most recently, Milhouse was used in a special that featured stories that would never be told on TV because Milhouse would never get his own spin-off. Radioactive Man pretty much was the start of this style of character development for Bongo and has continued for a number of years.  During this time, Bongo sought fit to give Radioactive Man powers, sidekicks, and villains that were usually spoofs indicative of the offerings from Marvel and DC and as such were given a life of their own.

In Radioactive Man Vol 1, we learn about Claude Kane III and how he gets his powers so that he can become Radioactive Man. And through the years we are dealt a heavy hand of baddies of which Radioactive Man has to fend off ranging from Dr. Crab to Larva Girl and everyone in between.  Together with his sidekick Fallout Boy(because everyone in comics needs a side kick) the dynamic duo have saved Zenith City countless times from evil all the meanwhile trying to live perfectly normal lives. Included in the collection we get to fight along side everyone in the Superior Squad like  Captain Squid, Bug Boy, Plasmo the Mystic, Lure Lass, Weasel Woman, and Brave Heart usually with some sort of bickering going on amongst the group.

If you are a genuine fan of superhero comics and you want something fresh, check out Radioactive Man Vol 1 as its a great collection of stories to get you all caught up and at the same time have a good laugh pointing out all the obvious references to your favorite comic heroes in the process. Best place to buy it is on Amazon(click the image above) where its only $15.

(8.0 out of 10)