Top Ten Live-Action Shows/Movies That Could Work Animated

10325342_798969943482575_7203963663849468910_nHere at BubbleBlabber we enjoy bringing you content based on the animated shows we all love, but of course, animation isn’t all we watch! There are many live action shows and movies that we love just as much. So I thought to myself: would any of these shows and movies work within the realm of animation? I think so! This list is my top ten shows and movies that I’d love to see get an animated series. I’ll tell you why I think they’d be cool, and for some of them I’ll explain why it may be interesting from a business perspective. Enjoy!

  1. Harold & Kumar

111103-harold-kumar-06_1466d2758fbe31d2a940d3c3d1c99fd4Certainly not everybody’s favorite comedy franchise, Harold & Kumar found a special place in my heart ten years ago. The stoner duo was last seen in “A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas” a few years back. There were rumors for a while about the possibility of an animated series, so of any of the entries on this list, this one is probably the most possible. While many sources have reported movement on the series, I won’t get my hopes up too high till I see something more tangible (a completed pilot, stills from the pilot, an air date, etc). The show would appeal to the cult following the franchise has accumulated over the past decade, and I feel it could be very unique. The humor and sensibilities could lend themselves well to an animated show, and I’d love to spend some more time hanging out with these characters. It wouldn’t necessarily need to take place after the third movie, since it appears at the end of the third movie; we see the two starting to head down a mature path. Any way they do it, I wouldn’t complain about this one.

  1. Game of Thrones

games-of-thrones-650-430One of the most popular and discussed shows on right now, Game of Thrones has been critically acclaimed for storytelling, character drama, and great performances from the cast. My idea for Game of Thrones animated would place the story either 1,000 years in the past or 1,000 years in the future. I’d like to see a completely unique cast of characters, and be told a new story.  The universe of Game of Thrones is a massive one with many stories to tell. Beyond the books and the show, TellTale Games recently came out with the first episode of their video game based on Game of Thrones. I think a really unique look into Game of Thrones could be the route of animation. This would definitely still be for a mature audience, I don’t think there is really anyway to paint GoT for kids. Beyond anime, there hasn’t been much animation for adults that hasn’t been a comedy. There could be a market for it, or perhaps they could just make GoT with an anime style to it? DC Animation has done this and they’re doing just fine.

  1. Firefly

firefly-cast-time-flies-firefly-is-twelve-years-oldMy original number 8 entry on this list was Star Trek, little did I know there was a Star Trek animated series running in the 1970’s! (It was a few decades before my time). I just found it on Netflix as well, so while I one of my original entries on this list has been made a reality without me being aware, it gives me a chance to bring another beloved franchise to the table: Firefly. When you think of cult followings, you’ll be hard-pressed to find one more missed than Joss Whedon’s “Firefly”. Before he brought us “The Avengers”, Whedon made a living by bringing us some of the coolest shows on television, one of which was Firefly. The show sci-fi in it’s most pure form. It takes place 500 years in the future, and follows a group civil war survivors trying to coexist on a spacecraft called Serenity. The show didn’t enjoy a very long life, it’s one of those shows that found it’s audience after it was too late. I hadn’t even seen it till last year. With rumors swirling that Whedon will be finished with Marvel after next year’s “Age of Ultron”, he may want to take a breath and do something a little closer to home, something more simple. Taking a break and working on an animated Firefly series may be the perfect vacation for one of Hollywood’s most beloved director’s, give him some downtime to enjoy that Avengers money. Fans would love, I think Whedon would love it. Nobody loses.

  1. Jump Street

22-Jump-Street-Hill-TatumJump Street has become one of the funniest movie franchises of the decade. There are no two ways about it. It has reinvented the idea of what the original series was, and has become extremely popular with audiences everywhere. I think the reinvigorated Jump Street formula would work well in a late night animated series. When I watch the movies, the characters can sometimes seem exaggerated, that’s why I feel the characters and humor could translate well into animation.  A late night buddy cop show with a couple of hilarious characters going undercover? I could see it work. Just leave out the Men in Black.

  1. Goosebumps

goosebumpsI think we need Goosebumps to come back in a serious way. I feel like there is a lack of horror in the lives of children today. Not the over-the-top rated R horror, but silly horror. The kind of stuff Goosebumps provided so long ago. Goosebumps is actually coming to the big screen pretty soon, and it’s starring Jack Black. If it proves to be popular, I think it would be smart to continue the momentum on the small screen and bring kids some scares in an animated show. In a responsible manner, the emotion of fear can be fun for children. Just like us adults going to see another awful “Paranormal Activity” or the incredibly awesome “The Conjuring”, a lot of people do enjoy being scared. I know when I was a kid I loved reading and watching Goosebumps, and those kinds of shows. As far as I know, I don’t think they ruined me for life. Let the kids be scared.

  1. The Interview

interviewProbably the most relevant entry on my list, The Interview is a comedy with Seth Rogen and James Franco. Due to recent threats, Sony has pulled the movie off of the planned Christmas release date. Very disappointing for audiences who were looking forward to it, but that’s life sometimes, I guess.  I think The Interview could work as a late night comedy. We would definitely need Rogan and his pal, Evan Goldberg on board to write. My idea goes beyond killing Kim Jung Un, but maybe it’s Rogen and his gang just travelling the world meeting with a bunch of crazy dictators or other funny stereotyped characters. Maybe bring in Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, or any of the other “This is the End” gang? I think it could be hilarious.

  1. Ted

ted01-12Personally, my favorite comedy of 2012 (Jump Street a close second), Ted follows the story of a magical teddy bear that came to life, wowed the world, then fell out of the limelight. Do you need the synopsis? We’ve all seen it! Some may think it would be backtracking for MacFarlane to bring this to animation, but the world needs more Ted and as the guy who reviews American Dad and Family Guy for this very site every week (shameless plug, but seriously, check out my reviews), when MacFarlane and his writers turn it on, they can bring us some quality laughs. Ted 2 is on it’s way to theatres, but I think there is a lot of potential. Many could make the argument that Ted is already animated, and I agree that Ted himself is an animated character, but I imagine taking the entire property to the small screen in an animated style. Every character and every scene animated, not just the hilarious bear himself.  I’d rather see Ted show up on Family Guy than The Simpsons again. Let’s make it happen MacFarlane. I’ll be happy to write the reviews.

  1. Community

communityThe show has certainly divided audiences in recent times, but I think everybody at one point or another enjoyed this show. There are still plenty of fans of the show will follow it till they end of the Earth, personally I fell off around season three. Why do I want to see it animated? Because I think that’s where the show could work best. The characters wouldn’t have to age, so staying in community college for six season and a movie wouldn’t seem weird. Many of the cast members have left and it seems the live action show is going to whimper out of existence on Yahoo streaming. Sort of makes me sad considering how much I loved it a few years ago. I’d love to see it find new life in a new format. Much of the content lends itself well to animation. “Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas” and most of “Digital Estate Planning” used animation, and both proved to be very popular with fans. They managed to maintain the sense of humor fans loved, but brought something new and interesting to the table, so unlike other entries on this list, this one has some proven success in the animated medium.

  1. Two and a Half Men

25034995Many of my comments from my last entry on this list echo here. Two and a Half Men was the pinnacle of TV comedy for so long. A few years ago we saw Charlie Sheen go off the deep end, and egos eventually ended Sheen’s time on the show. Unfortunately for the show, much of it’s audience left with Sheen. I enjoy Ashton Kutcher, he’s a likeable guy, but the show just sucks with him on it. I think Charlie Sheen and Chuck Lorre need to hug it out bring us some more laughs. I think an animated show would work because it could eternally be Two and a Half Men, literally. Angus T. Jones (Jake) can grow a full beard, he’s a man now. With an animated show you nip that problem in the butt, and you can continue on with the humor that made the show so popular to begin with. Obviously it would be a late night comedy, and I think there is audience who would love to see it. No Ashton Kutcher, please.

1. The Walking Dead








My last entry is one of the most popular shows on television today. AMC’s pride and joy now that Breaking Bad has ended, The Walking Dead would be a perfect, in my opinion, to have it’s own animated series.  Not too other shows ever have enjoyed the kind of success The Walking Dead has. A fanbase that isn’t only huge, but loyal. The property had humble beginnings as a graphic novel, but has since become a hit TV show, and a very popular video game (also by TellTale Games, honestly, just play all of their stuff). The Walking Dead would work as an animated show because characters could evolve as the writers need them to. Children don’t need to grow up, for example. One of the hardest parts of the live action show is that they all get very close on set, and it can be troublesome to kill off characters sometimes. In an animated show, it would be much easier to do. The show could maintain the dark tone, it could do a lot of the things the same. The benefits would be bringing in a different audience, and test new ideas.  We could follow new characters in another part of the world. The Walking Dead is already getting a spinoff show that follows a new group in L.A, why not follow a group in London or Mexico? Get creative with it.

Those are my top ten live action shows/movies I would love to see animated. Do you agree with my list? Disagree? Let’s chat it out in the comment section! Also let me know what you would like to see get an animated overhaul, maybe you’ll change my mind! Thanks for reading, gang. This will likely be my last post this year, so I wish you all a Merry Christmas/Holidays, and a happy New Year! See you all in 2015!