Animation Art: Designs From Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty
A little treat for fans of the new Adult Swim show Rick and Morty as character designer, Zach Bellissimo, has started posting a few bits and bobs from the show.
Continuing my occasional looks behind the scenes of the shows we love, I present, the first of what I hope to be many, design sheets from Rick and Morty‘s Zach Bellissimo. He hasn’t posted loads of art yet, but as the show has just begun he probably had to wait for it to air before revealing his designs. So now you know, be sure to bookmark Zach’s tumblr, and maybe his deviantART, pages to see more pre-production art from this exciting new show!
Designs of students and the teacher, “Scary Olderson” by Zach from the episode, “Lawnmower Dog”, colour by Jack Cusumano and Chris Near.
And here’s an awesome portrait of the duo themselves, courtesy of Zach: