English Dub Review: An Archdemon’s Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride “Of Course Parents Panic When Their Daughter Runs Away From Home”


Zagan confronts Raphael and Valefor gets involved.


We finally get the big reveal on why Valefor is the way she is, and it’s that Raphael killed her father, supposedly after said father helped some Angelic Knights with a mission of some kind. On top of that, he apparently drank her father’s blood. Is that how he got some of his great powers? Well that’s a question for another day, but the main significance of the episode seems to be giving everyone a reason to come together in a plotline that covers everyone’s respective development, aside from maybe Nephy. Zagan is defending his new foster child, Valefor is learning the truth of what happened to her father, Chastille is living up to her principles against a former superior, and heck, even Barbatos is being a better friend than ever by helping Zagan portal over there. Kinda crazy how this is only the third to last episode when it feels like everything’s just about to be wrapped up. I guess the next episode will be properly wrapping things up and finding out all the finer details of what Valefor’s father was doing and why Raphael was drinking his blood after he died. Clearly there is more going on with that if Raphael is eager to die for whatever happened there.

And I suppose it’s a good enough time as any to reflect on how far a lot of these characters have come getting to this point. Nephy was afraid of her own power and getting close to people but is now in a group, possibly even family, that all love and want to help her. Valefor, while still only feeling like she just got here, has gone from being orphaned to finding new parents rather quickly. Chastille had her previous beliefs about sorcerers challenged and quit her job as a knight to protect one (which kinda helped that she already had a crush on him from him saving her life and all). And Zagan (and to a lesser extent Barbatos) have gone from power driven loners to being friends with each other and wanting to protect others. We probably aren’t going to have a ton of time to see much more development for most of these characters beyond this point, what with there only being a couple episodes left, but there has been some clear growth for just about everyone, and I just want to make sure that’s noted. Anyway, next week: the climax!