Review: The Great North “You’ve Got Sail Adventure”


Beef looks forward to meeting an online friend but is distraught to find that said friend is a Cruise Captain, people who his boat worker friends despise, but Wolf tells him to try friendship anyway. Meanwhile, Jodie tries balancing three dates at the same time with Honeybee’s help when she gets the urge to have casual makeouts, and the rest of the family help Dirt sell fake Moose Milk to tourists.


Eyyyy, this one’s another solid entry in the Beef centric episode category, this time not focusing on his love life or sex life, but on his eagerness for platonic male friendship, even across social divisions in his town. We’ve seen Beef, and to a lesser extent his kids, be very well versed survivalists, as well as working with him on a fishing boat, so they’re very much blue collar and hard working people. And with it being established that tourists are usually seen with mocking derision in this town, it’s pretty clear that people who bring big tourist boats to town are not seen fondly, especially with the history of near accidents that Beef tells Wolf about. But this episode kinda puts that built in prejudice to the test when Beef has to deal with the fact that someone he connects with is on the opposite side of this bad blood between these two groups. Kind of a Bromeo and Broliet sort of situation, or Pride and Prejudice as Wolf points out. Basically what I’m saying is that this season has done a lot show show how much Beef is growing as a person in a lot of aspects of his life, not just as a father, and it’s pretty cool to see.

This is also one of the episodes that kinda gives everyone something to do, which is nice because there have been some episodes where they haven’t balanced that super well. Obviously Beef and to a lesser extent Wolf are the center of this episode, but Judy’s B plot about wanting to casually three time a bunch of different guys is pretty novel. It’s not characterized as being necessarily deceptive or scummy since she’s only hanging out with each of them, but I guess I would’ve liked there to be some better takeaway from this than what we got. I actually don’t mind that it turns out everyone is basically doing the same thing but it seems like the difference is that they’re all at least open about it to who they’re with while Judy feels the need to be sneaky about it for some reason. Oh, and the moose milk thing is kinda funny but ultimately a bit disposable, but hopefully everyone got paid for their voice work. That wraps up the third to last The Great North episode of the season and it seems like we’re on track for a good season overall! The show’s continued to be pretty consistently good so far, so I don’t expect the last two episodes will be anything less than okay.