Review: Krapopolis “Olive Oil Crisis”


Tyrannis tries putting Shlub on jobs that he should fail, but doesn’t, leading to much of the public wanting Shlub to rule instead. Meanwhile, Deliria briefly loses her memory while out with Stupendous, momentarily becoming the ideal mother she always wanted.


This week’s episode brings us two stories of the kids with their genetic parent and expecting something from them only to be disappointed, though in different ways. In the B plot, we have the slightly more conventional plot of a Stupendous seeing her dysfunctional mother Deliria somehow forget everything that made her so apprehensive to being a proper mother, which I guess proves that Deliria has it in her to be that and had it all along, but clearly there is some baggage or possibly even trauma that hinders her ability to be kind to anyone, let alone her own children. If this were a show more capable of being serious, I feel like we would’ve seen some sort of hint about what made her this way, since just being kicked out of Olympus doesn’t seem like it would do that much psychological damage. Also this is the second Deliria and Stupendous B Plot we’ve had in two episodes, so that’s kinda neat. Oh, and the characters spend the majority of this plot as geese for whatever reason. Like I know there’s a reason given but I don’t know what it really served here, writing wise, it’s just kind of a weird detail.

Anyway, in the A plot, we have Ty wanting Shlub to fail and instead finding out that his dad is actually good at these specific government jobs, mainly because they require interacting with people and that’s easier for Shlub than it is for Tyrannis. Shlub is a man of the people, in that he is among them a lot, drinks, sings, parties, and is just normally seen by most as being really fun to be around, which leads to them starting to think he should be ruling instead, especially because they just don’t care for Tyrannis in the first place, mainly because he’s actually spending so much time on trying to run a whole city that he can’t really be everyone’s friend. Shlub is aware of this and still thinks his son should be the king, but this gives Tyrannis an idea to start making more of a local government with multiple representatives, meaning there will be several people to be bad at instead of just him, meaning he can just focus on what he wants to do while everyone’s distracted. Huh, it’s weird how some of these kinda end on an unintentionally sad note about our own society sometimes. Anyway, fine episode, two more to go.