English Dub Review: The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess “The Darkness of the Shut-in Vampire Princess”


Komari comes face to face with the one who bullied her three years ago…

Our Take

The return of an old bully brings unsettling memories for Komari, though the episode maintains its usual dose of amusement amidst the turmoil. As the narrative unfolds, Milicent’s villainy becomes increasingly apparent, with her actions casting a shadow over both past and present events.

Small flashbacks later on at least help unravel the past, shedding light on the motivations behind their specific actions and relationships, particularly focusing on the villainous Millicent and her impact on Komari and Vill. And with the twist involving a letter Villhaze gave to Komari earlier, all of slowly begins to make sense…

Overall, this episode succeeds on multiple levels for how harrowing and intriguing the direction the story has taken. Despite the darker themes, the episode also delivers a compelling mix of comedy, drama, and suspense. As the stakes continue to rise, viewers are left eagerly anticipating the resolution, and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out…