English Dub Review: BUCCHIGIRI?! “Fateful Duel! Beyond the Gyoza Dumplings”


Matakara and Arajin finally face off.

Our Take:

It’s finally time for the showdown between Matakara and Arajin. It’s also between Ichiya and Senya, so there are technically two fights going on at once. The fight is serviceable, but not as exciting as I would have hoped.

We get more backstory between Matakara and Arajin in this episode. It’s nice to see how they became friends and that they’re still friends, I suppose. However, I’m really not a big fan of Arajin’s growth. I’m glad he does grow, but it doesn’t feel completely deserved. He’s not a jerk to Matakara for no reason anymore, but he’s still the same loser outside of that.

The highlights of this episode for me are Aarajin’s mom still being the best character in the show and the running gag at the cat-themed establishment. We finally find out Miss Jasmine’s true identity, and it’s absolutely hysterical.

As a whole, this finale falls kind of flat for me as far as the main plot goes. The fight is decent, but the payoff just feels okay. It doesn’t feel fully deserved and there are some characters who don’t play as big of a role as it looked like they would have. It’s a fine finale for a fine show.